Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Claim God's Full Restoration

   As Christians it's easier to think about how healthy we are spiritually. We go to church, read God's word, we may teach or in some way give to others. Then we cross it off "our list." We often fail to realize we need to be healthy physically, mentally and emotionally also. In neglecting this part of our lives it does have an effect on where we may be spiritually or rather where we could be.
   We live in a world of busyness and everyone is always in a hurry. It may be our jobs, school activities with the kids, church or appointments, etc. but life is going just too fast. Unfortunately this sometimes means fast food or quick to fix meals with little or no quality time with the family. We hop into bed at night asking ourselves, "Where did the time go?"
   Many of us need to start asking, "Where did my health and vibrancy go?" Well, it got up and went taking with it incentives, energy, self-worth, goals, dreams and everything else God intended for you. It may have left some baggage behind such as fatigue, brain fog, health issues, lost dreams, forgotten goals and that realization that hits you like a ton of bricks the day you decide to step on the scales. I'll speak for myself on this one.
   Jesus never meant for us to live unhealthy lives. He knew that if our bodies were overtired, in bad shape and our minds so clogged with "stuff" that we wouldn't be able to carry out His plan for our life nor would we portray a complete witness for His glory.
   Self-care is not being selfish. You cannot love others if you do not love yourself. Leviticus 19:18 (KJV) says, "...but thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." Also even Jesus took time to rest and pray. He knew it was vital to His ministry. Matthew 14:23 (NKJV) says, "And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray..."
   It's time to get rid of that baggage left behind. It's time to realize the physical and spiritual go hand in hand; they are connected. We cannot do our best or be God's best if we are exhausted or have health issues holding us back. I'm not talking about handicaps you're born with or something beyond your control. God's grace, purpose and strength covers that. There are so many things we bring on ourselves because of the way we live, what we eat, (and how much) and not walking in God's will in every area of our life.
   Give God charge of your daily plans, your eating habits and your body. Take your rest and pray as Jesus did. He will restore you, not only spiritually but in body and mind also. Let us move forward to full and complete restoration.

1st Corinthians 10:3 KJV "Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do it all to the glory of God."
Jeremiah 30:17 KJV "For I will restore health unto thee and I will heal thee of thy wounds..."

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