Monday, November 24, 2008

My Call To Clown Ministry

Me, a clown? "No way," was my answer. This was back in the spring of 2001 when the grocery store where I worked asked me to dress as a clown and give out cake and balloons one Sat. They were celebrating their bakery's 25th anniversary.

That same week my church was having a Ministry Fair and the pastor had asked that everyone be in prayer about what ministry God wanted them to be used in. As I prayed, my thoughts turned to choir, teaching children, or missions. Perhaps God could use me in one of these areas.

That Sat. morning, the day before the Ministry Fair at church, I arrived at work in tow with this "stupid" outfit someone had provided and an array of makeup I'd managed to find at home. I figured white highlighter, lipsticks, and rouge would have to do. I stomped up the steps to the breakroom mumbling, "This is stupid, I hate this, I hate this," over and over to myself. I managed to get on the makeup as best I could according to what I thought a clown should look like. It was scarey to say the least. I stomped back down the steps, not a very happy clown.

I retrieved the cart from the bakery along with the balloons and started my pilgrimage through the store. Before long I noticed not only everyone's reaction to my presence, but my sudden change in attitude. I was amazed that the children, with mothers running behind, would scan every section just to find "the clown" someone had mentioned was here.

I became aware of changes in people's attitude and facial expressions. The smiles on the faces of the elderly and their need to express their graditude just touched my heart. It was as though "this clown" had made their day.

I had never heard of a "clown ministry," but by the end of the day God had opened my heart and I knew this was what He wanted. Sunday evening at church, I approached my pastor and youth director. "I believe God wants me to start a clown ministry." Out of their mouths came, "Good, we've been wanting to start one."

So "Charms," the clown was born. My name tag reads, "Not Lucky, Just Blessed." I would have never for a moment thought that I would be able to stand up in front of an audience, perform gospel illusions, do puppets, and entertain. But God equips us with what we need.

Hebrews 13: v. 20, 21 NIV

20. May the God of peace...21. equip you with everything good for doing His will and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ..."

I sought learning about clowning through books first, then I found a small group of clowns I joined called "The Funtastics." We did volunteer work in hospitals, churches, etc. including manning the phones for the MDA telethon one year. In 2002 I joined a professional clown group after taking a "clown class." Yes, there are classes you can take on clowning.

I now have my own clown ministry and I am on call for churches, retirement homes, schools, or wherever God leads this clown heart-and loving it!

Ephesians 4: v. 11

It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be "clowns" - (my calling).


Edie said...

Well Marie that is just so cool! You make an adorable clown. I love the pink hair. :) What a wonderful calling.

Mary Moss said...

I'm glad you filled in the details for me:-)

Your honesty about how your work actually led you (granted, begrudginly) to a ministry that touches so many.

I know your story will reach others and give them some food for thought regarding their own lives. Thanks for sharing this, Marie.

Kelly said...

I love this story Marie! You are a great clown.

Isn't it funny how God prepares the work in advance for us to do, and sometimes we go kicking & screaming, only to find out we love it!

Andrea said...

GOD will continue to bless your "ministries." Keep the blog post coming. I can't wait to see where GOD leads.......